Officer and Board member candidates for election may have their photo, a 50-word statement, and Association experience published on the website. NEA and NSEA Delegate candidates for election may have a 50-word statement and Association experience published. Candidate statements will be published unedited.
Only online submissions are accepted.
The direct link to the submission page is:
Click here to complete Who’s Who form.
The deadline for online submission is no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 17th.
The page will be published after the submission deadline.
Pictures will be taken immediately following the February 14th AR Assembly or at the OEA office Wednesday, February 15th through Friday, February 17th ending at 5:00 p.m. This is the last date pictures will be taken.
Only photographs taken by OEA on the above dates will be used; candidates cannot submit their own photo.
The deadline for online submissions for inclusion in the Who’s Who of the Candidates is Friday, February 17th, by 5:00 p.m. If no information is received, only your name will appear.